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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Rice Cultivation at IAAS, Lamjung: July 19, 2016

So, monsoon is here. The season of rain, when dark clouds rumble in the sky, when the drops of water bounce on the face of earth, slide caressing the green blades of the grasses, when peasants leap on their fields whistling and singing the songs of sowing.

Today, there was a pretty fine rain this morning. Though when our practical started, the rain had been gone for hours, and when the clouds cleared up, the sun had already been boasting at the zenith. Some of we students of the fifth semester nevertheless, participated in this rice plantation practical work our campus chief assigned to us. It was fun to dip our feet on inches deep thick puddle, walk forcing our ways through it, and duck the rice seedlings into it in our own clumsy, perfect or semi-perfect ways. We engaged ourselves in this perky work for about an hour, cracking jokes among ourselves, inhaling the deep scent of the mud deep into our lungs, and smearing our hands and feet with it.

Here I managed to capture some glimpses of it!

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Item Reviewed: Rice Cultivation at IAAS, Lamjung: July 19, 2016 Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Nawab